Clip It! aims to assist Media Resource Centre (MRC) members to develop and produce a music clip for local Music SA musicians (band or solo artist) and interpret that song in a creative and resourceful way which furthers both the musicians and the filmmakers’ careers.

Clip It! is funded by the South Australian Government through the Music Development Office.

Up to 4 music clips will be supported with a $1,000 cash budget from the MRC, $2,500 worth of in-kind investment to be used on MRC equipment and facilities hire. Participating musicians are required to pay $200 toward the cost of production of their music video clip.  This creates a total production cash budget of $1,200.

The musicians selected by Music SA will be introduced to the filmmakers at an informal networking event on Monday 6th November 5:30pm at the Media Resource Centre. At this workshop, musicians will play their selected song for filmmakers.  There might also be an initial exchange of ideas around film genre.

Musicians should select their preferred song strategically. By December 2017 it should be recorded, mixed and mastered and ideally be a single due to be released in 2018. This might be timed with an interstate tour in the middle of 2018.  The music clips will be screened at the Mercury Cinema in June 2018.

Expressions of interest from filmmakers will be submitted through an online portal on the Media Resource Centre website and will include some simple questions.

Expressions of interest from musicians will be submitted through an online portal on the Music SA website and will include some simple questions.

This year each team will be assigned an experienced music video mentor to work them through the process and provide advice and feedback.

Production Guidelines

  • Application entry is free. However, all filmmakers must be current financial members of the MRC at the time of applying and throughout the duration of the production of the project. All musicians must be listed on the Music SA Artist Directory
  • Participating musicians are required to pay $200 toward the cost of production of their music video clip.
  • There is also an expectation for part of the allocated budget to include possible film festival entry (e.g. SoundKILDA and Clipped Music Video Festival) and marketing strategies.
  • Filmmakers are required to submit the clip to various distribution channels such as the following; Foxtel Arts, Rage, Rolling Stone,, Tonedeaf, Video Junkee and online music video channels, as well as the Music SA website which will feature the clips.
  • Filmmakers must discuss eligibility with an MRC staff member prior to submission. Musicians may refer questions to Music SA staff.
  • Each team may only make one music video.
  • All applications will be treated confidentially.
  • Only complete applications will be considered. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • All consumables, sundry items and non-MRC hire equipment costs are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

The MRC’s terms and conditions of hire for equipment and facilities still apply including the payment of deposits and insurance levies if required.

  • Any party who is in default of any contractual obligations to the SAFC or MRC is ineligible to apply.
  • Please see the MRC website for details about the equipment and facilities available for in-kind use on this initiative.
  • The MRC, Music SA and the Music Development Office logos must be included on the end credit.

Copyright and Clearances

  • There must be a clear and demonstrated chain of title for any and all audio and visual material to be used in relation to the music video and a copy submitted to the MRC on completion of the project.
  • Copyright of the music video will rest with the filmmakers and the filmmakers will grant permission for the musicians to broadcast, load or distribute the music video clip in any territory and online globally after the official Clip It! Screening. The full parameters of the rights will be outlined in a contract upon being selected.



September 29         Digital launch

October 23              Applications due

October 30               Committee selects 4 filmmaking teams and 4 musicians (bands or solo artist)

November 3             Public announcement

November 6             Networking event for filmmakers &musicians

December                  Filmmakers to meet with musicians and MRC Production team.

January – Feb           Filming and editing window

February 28              Final delivery

Feb – Mar                 Festival submissions

Please note that a judging panel comprising industry professionals from the film and music industries, including the MRC and Music SA will select the winning applicants. No correspondence will be entered into and due to time and resource constraints only winning applicants will be contacted further.

The successful clips will be premiered at the Mercury Cinema on in June 2018 or earlier at music video festivals if submissions are successful. 


Filmmakers please submit your expression of interest here>

Musicians please submit your expression of interest below:

For more information, contact Media Resource Centre on 8410 0979.

For more information, contact Music SA on 73203302.