Bridget Fahey

Bridget sings, stomps, sketches and strums.Bridget Fahey combines belting vocals, grunge aesthetics and blues rhythms to smack you upside your head (with music).

Meeting some very amazing musicians throughout her life, Bridget has been involved in several bands and music projects.

Her first band began when she was 15. The name was embarrassing, but the experience was amazing.
Other bands included:
The Convulsions (crust punk) 2008,
Them and the so-alones (folk/ punk) 2007- 2009,
Weird theatre (jazz/punk) 2009- 2011,
The Folko-oh-noes (Swing/ rockabilly/ folk/ punk

After a short hiatus she performed a cabaret show ‘Disco Bitch’ in the 2013 Adelaide Fringe (Fahey also working on ‘Radio Noir’ and ‘Wolf Creek the musical’ at the time). In 2015 she worked with Melbourne comedian Lauren Bok on the 4 star show ‘2 states of Lauren Bok and Bridget Fahey’ for the Adelaide Fringe.

When she isn’t playing music Bridget illustrates and tries to avoid getting an office job.

Artist Details


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